How to Prevent Hormonal Acne
As a woman, you are subject to the effects of hormones surrounding your menstrual cycle, which can lead to symptoms like bloating, mood swings and our arch-nemesis: hormonal acne. The thing with acne is that...
Women in Sports: Dealing with Menstruation
If you are a human who gets a period, you know how debilitating it can...
Ruined Underwear: Another Part of Womanhood
Ask most people with vaginas and they’ll tell you that their underwear falls into two...
The New Safer Sex, And How to Have It
One spring after lunch, the lacrosse coach talked to my entire ninth grade class about...
6 Women Who Freed America
When we celebrate the brute male hands that built history, it’s crucial we include the...
The History of Shame, its Nasty Effects on Women, and How To Escape It
You’ve heard it all before: “Girls don’t poop.” “She’s easy.” “Don’t be a prude.” “Slut.” ...
Your Ancestor’s Role in Your Vaginal Microbiome
Your body is like a busy city, full of different communities of tiny organisms that...
We Definitely ‘Mind’ the Orgasm Gap—Here’s Why
There’s an orgasm discrepancy in the United States. Multiple nationwide studies have confirmed that the...